Consulting and Executive Coaching
Mission Possible!
Define your Passion
Create your Vision
Make it Happen
Are you excited about your Life?
Is the road ahead filled with possibilities and excitement?
Do you feel joy and satisfaction at work? At home?
If you want to answer yes. Mission Possible is for you.
This is the program you need to get to yes – “Yes, I'm excited.
I feel joy. I’m on the road to achieving my true goals!”
What's Next?
In recognition of the huge increase in professionals asking the question,
“What’s next?” Mission Possible is offered
to provide the answer. More relevant than ever before,
the program is fresh and the results are guaranteed.
Are you reaching an impasse at work, lacking enthusiasm
in your present career, coping with not feeling needed anymore,
seeking change, or just ready for something different?
If so, Mission Possible can help you change your direction and life.
And it’s lots of fun too!
How it Works
Mission Possible helps you tap into your inner purpose,
core passion and greatest potential both at work and at home.
Expert facilitators support and guide you as you chart a work/life
plan to achieve your brilliant and blazing new goals.
This step-by-step program can change your present
journey into an adventure.
Your Results
The Individual
- Get back on track
- Regain high self-esteem and direction
- Take responsibility for your career path
- Identify your strengths
The Corporation
- Enhance your public reputation
- Strengthen your employees’ job ownership
- Encourages ‘Co-Active Leadership’
Our Tools
Transition services
- Tailored to suit your employees’ needs
- Convenient and flexible facilities arranged
- Diversified programmes to suit corporate needs
Pro-active in-house support
- Career guidance counseling
- Workshops in: Employees’ concerns with change;
Self-esteem building; Stress related issues; Counseling in lifestyle shifts
What Now?
Take the first step. Call 416 238-4414 and sign up
for the next Mission Possible session.
It's time to focus on you for a change!
“The empires of the future are the empires of the mind”.
Sir Winston Churchill [ Harvard, Sept 6, 1943 ]
Mission Possible!
Go Beyond!
So, if you desire our personal attention to your job search or career change,
simply CALL or
Sarah Canzano, President, IC Solutions
416 238-4414

Executive Career Management Worldwide